Introduction to Chinese Law / Introduction to Chinese Law

The Academic Board of Law, Odense
Teaching activity id: 8907901.
Teaching language: English.ECTS / weighting: 10 ECTS / 0.167 full-time equivalent.
Examination language: English.
Exam activity id: 8907902.Approved: 03-10-12.
Period: Spring 2013.
Grading: Internal grading.
Assessment: 7-point scale.
Offered in: Odense.

Subject director:
Birgit Feldtmann, Department of Law.


The purpose of the course is to enable students to “leave” their own legal system and legal thinking and do deal with legal questions in the context of another legal system.

The aim of the course is to provide the students with knowledge about Chnese legal thinking afd to the organisation of some central legal institutions. The course aims to give the students skills to discuss and analyse questions in connection with the Chinese legal system. The skills trained in the course shall give the students competences to deal with legal questions in a cross border and international context.

By adding a foreign (Chinese) perspective to legal issues, the course builds further on courses in different areas of law, but mainly on courses within private law.

Content - Key areas:
The course gives an overview on central principles of Chinese law and the major areas of law, with a special focus on private law, the regulation of business activities and the establishment of companies.

Goals description (SOLO taxonomy):
The students are expected to be able to describe and analyse the overall structure of the legal system of China. The students must furthermore be able to present the overall structure of the Chinese court system. The students are expected to be able to present and analyse the core business rules of China, including rules of establishment, tax laws, market laws and property laws. Furthermore, they are expected to be able to identify the basic problems in these rules on conducting business in China and to use the knowledge obtained in connection with small cases.

Zhu Yikun: Concise Chinese law, latest edition and other materials to be announced under the course (about 550-600 pages). 

Time of classes:

Form of instruction:
The number of lessons will depend on how many studentss that signs up for the course. The course will be taught as aither lectures of 30 hours, a study group of 15 hours or as a self-study course. In case the course is taught as lectures of 30 hours it will be in blocks of 4-5 hours per session).

Furthermore, the students have to work in groups with 3 group work assignments between the blocks (those group works assignments are used in the following blocks.  The workload for the course is expected to be ca. 270 working hours (1 ECTS equivalent to 27 working hours), 30 of those used for lectures. It is expected that the students use at least 25 hours (including reading) in connection with each group work assignment. The remaining hours should be used for the preparation of lectures and the preparation of the oral examination. The examination will take 20 min.

Time of examination:
Ordinary examination in June. Re-examination in August. 

Participation in re-examination requires that you have participated in the examination in June.

Examination conditions:
Handing in the group work assignment (course id 8907912) is a precondition for participation in the exam.

Group work assignment (course id 8907912):

Duration: Date for submission will appear from the examination plan.
Location: Home assignment.
Internet Access: Necessary
Hand Out: Course page in Blackboard
Hand In: Via SDUassignment in the course page in Blackboard.
Extent: In acreement with the teacher
Exam Aids: All exam aids allowed

Form of examination for the certificate:

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
Oral examination without preparation (20.min.).

All Semesters, elective subject. Offered in: Odense
All Semesters, elective subject. Offered in: Odense