Comparative Law / Comparative Law

The Academic Board of Law, Odense
Teaching activity id: 8908001.
Teaching language: English.ECTS / weighting: 5 ECTS / 0.083 full-time equivalent.
Examination language: English.
Exam activity id: 8908002.Approved: 03-10-12.
Period: Spring 2013.
Grading: Internal grading.
Assessment: 7-point scale.
Offered in: Odense.

Subject director:
Birgit Feldtmann, Department of Law.


The aim of the course is to define and discuss questions in connection to comparative law. What are the aims and challenges of comparative law? Which comparative methods are appropriate for different approaches?

The course aims to give knowledge of methodical issues in connection with comparative law and to give the students experiences with practical comparative work. The coure aims to give the students skills to use tools and techniques of comparison in prakcical comparative work. The skills trained in the course shall give the students competences to deal with legal questions in a cross border and international context.

By adding a comparative perspective to law, the course builds further on courses in different areas of law under the bachelor studies.

Content - Key areas:
  • What is (and is not) comparative law? 
  • Use and limitations of comparative law 
  • Methods and approaches 
  • How to choose subjects for comparison? 
  • On the issue of language in connection with comparative work
  • On legal sources in different legal systems 
  • Practical comparative work

Goals description (SOLO taxonomy):
Firstly the students are expected to be able to account for theoretical, methodical and practical challenges of comparative work and to develop strategies towards these challenges. Secondly, the students are expected to be able to use tools and techniques of comparison in practical comparative work and to present the results of this work in written and oral form.

Zweigert/Kötz, Introduction to Comparative Law, latest edition, (parts of) and different materials/articles which will be announced during the course.

Time of classes:
Every spring.

Form of instruction:
Classes, partly based on student’s presentations and group work in class. The workload for the course is expected to be 135 working hours (1 ECTS is equivalent to 27 working hours), 26 of those used for lectures (2 hours in 13 weeks). It is expected that the students use at least 60 hours for the student presentation and the written comparison (which is part of the oral examination). The remaining hours should be used for preparation of the lectures and preparation of the oral examination. The examination will take 20 min.

Time of examination:
Ordinary examination in June. Re-examination in August. Participation in re-examination requires that the student has participated in the examination in June.

Examination conditions:

Form of examination for the certificate:
Oral exam.

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
Oral exam (20 min.), partly based on the written comparison (short thesis). No preparation time is given on the day. The student are allowed to bring material.

6th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense
6th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense