Quantitative Market Research Methods / Quantitative Market Research Methods

The Academic Board of Business Administration, Odense
Teaching activity id: 9330601.
Teaching language: English.ECTS / weighting: 7,5 ECTS / 0.125 full-time equivalent.
Examination language: 0.
Exam activity id: 9330612, 9330602.Approved: 29-09-17.
Period: Spring 2018.
Grading: Internal grading.
Assessment: 7-point scale.
Offered in: Esbjerg.

Subject director:
Associate Professor Martin Meissner , Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics.

Undergraduate level courses in Research Methods, Statistics (descriptive as well as inferential), Marketing Management, and Consumer Behavior.

The purpose of the course is to develop the specific quantitative research skills and knowledge that are required to successfully complete research in marketing. The course therefore is designed to provide advanced knowledge of multivariate statistical models for solving central marketing problems, as well as to give skills in applying these models and interpreting the output they generate. The learning outcome of the course should be that students are able to design, execute and evaluate marketing research based on quantitative data. The aim of the course is further to give students competences in studying and evaluating research performed and reported by others as a part of their further learning.  

Content - Key areas:
The marketing research process; Basics on data collection, sampling, scaling and ethics in marketing research;

Multivariate analyses:
1. Analysis of dependence: -Analysis of variance -Regression analysis -Conjoint analysis
2. Analysis of interdependence: -Factor analysis, exploratory and confirmative; -Cluster analysis;

Dissemination of research findings and ethics

Goals description (SOLO taxonomy):
Students are expected to be able to carry out a marketing research project for a given managerial decision problem. From a description of a problem, the student should be able to (a) identify a relevant marketing research problem and formulate a research design for the identified research problem and (b) from a given quantitative database the student should be able to establish a plan for analyzing the data, follow this plan in an analysis of the data, and finally interpret the data. The analysis of the data must demonstrate knowledge about and skills in using relevant uni- and multivariate statistical techniques. Further, students should be able to report their research findings in a written report; and since there is the potential to abuse or misuse marketing research findings students are expected to be aware of and to practice the basic ethical principles that govern the practice of marketing and social research.

Malhotra, N.K., Birks, D.F. and Wills, F. (2012) Marketing Research, An Applied Approach, 4th Edition,
Pearson Education Ltd. London, ISBN 978-0-273-72585-5.

Janssens, W., Wijnen, K., De Pelsmacher, P., van Kenhove, P. (2008 or newer edition), Marketing Research,
with SPSS, FT Prentice-Hall, London. ISBN 978-0-273-70383-9.

Additional readings in the form of journal articles and research papers will be provided in the lectures.

Time of classes:
First quarter spring.
Scheduled classes:
24 lessons (2 x 2 hours per week in 6 weeks) and 2 weeks group project work with counseling.

Form of instruction:
The course is organized into two major parts.
The first part consists of 6 weeks with 4 lectures each week on theory and on how to carry out quantitative marketing research. Lectures are supplemented by hands-on exercises using a statistical software package (currently SPSS with AMOS) giving skills in carrying out analysis by the use of this software.
The second part consists of 2 weeks in which students carry out a set of marketing research tasks individually or in groups of 2 students. The research tasks offer students the opportunity to acquaint themselves with models, theories and statistical techniques relevant for executing a quantitative marketing research.
Counseling will be available to support the student in his or her learning process working on the marketing research tasks. The work on the marketing research tasks must result in a report not exceeding 6.000 words + 2.000 words per additional student.
Workload in total 203 hours: Participation in lessons 21 hours. Preparation for lessons 80 hours. Work on research tasks 82 hours and Preparation for written exam 30 hours  

Time of examination:
Ordinary examination in April and reexamination in June.

Registration for the course is automatically a registration for the ordinary examination in the course. Cancellation is not possible. If the student does not participate in the examination, the student will use an examination attempt.
The university may grant an exemption from the rules in case of exceptional circumstances.
Examination form at the re-exam can be changed.

Examination conditions:
Form of examination for the certificate:
Report+ Written exam

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
The course grade will be based on a report describing the work on several marketing research tasks, and a written exam.

The report will make up 50% of the course grade (9330612).
Duration: See the plan for exam.
Place: No restrictions.
Internet access: Necessary.
Distribution of assignment: Through Blackboard.
Submission of assignment paper: Via SDU-assignment in Blackboard.
Number of pages: The paper must not exceed 6.000 words + 2.000 words per additional student, excl. appendices. If two students make the assignment together, they must specify for which section each of them is responsible so that an individual grade can be given. Please read the General requirements for written assignments, which you find here.
Examination aids: All examination aids are permitted.

The grade will be given on the basis of the extent to which the report meets the goals of the course  - especially part (b) - and the extent to which the students discuss and reflect upon issues in the curriculum and in general can demonstrate good command of the central concepts, processes, models and theories of marketing research presented in the course.

The written exam will make up 50% of the course grade. (9330602)
Duration: 4 hours.
Place: The examination is held using the students own PC.
Internet access: Internet access is necessary.
Distribution of assignment: Will be handed out in the examination room.
Submission of examination paper: Via SDU Assignment in Blackboard. Handwritten enclosures cannot be submitted as part of the examination paper.
Number of pages: Unlimited.
Examination aids: All examination aids permitted. It is not allowed to communicate with others.

The grade will be given on the basis of the extent to which the written assignment meets the goals of the course  - especially part (a) and the extent to which the students during the written exam can explain, discuss and reflect upon issues in the curriculum and in general can demonstrate good command of the central concepts, processes, models and theories of marketing research presented in the course.

To pass, the student must have achieved an average of at least 02 without rounding up. The partial grade -3 may not be included. Once an average of 02 is achieved, a grade of 00 obtained in one of the partial exams cannot be improved.

The examination can be taken in Danish or English. If the teacher and/or the co-examiner are not Danish-speaking, the exam must be taken in English. In all other cases, Danish-speaking students are allowed to attend the exam in Danish (that is – to answer the questions in Danish) regardless that the language of instruction has been English. According to §6 in the ministerial order on examinations, the university is allowed to grant exemptions from the rule that an examination must be conducted in the same language as the language of instruction.

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