Seminar in Marketing and Innovation / Seminar in Marketing and Innovation

The Academic Board of Business Administration, Odense
Teaching activity id: 9324901.
Teaching language: English.ECTS / weighting: 7,5 ECTS / 0.125 full-time equivalent.
Examination language: English.
Exam activity id: 9324922, 9324912, 9324902.Approved: 29-09-17.
Period: Spring 2018.
Grading: Internal grading.
Assessment: 7-point scale.
Offered in: Esbjerg.

Subject director:
Associate Professor Oliver Schnittka, Department of Sociology, Environmental and Business Economics.

Bachelor Degree in Business or Economics and completion of the courses of the first year of the profile Marketing and Innovation or completion of other courses that have been approved by the coordinator of the profile.  

The purpose of the course is to provide opportunities for students to work in depth with a topic within the research fields Marketing and Innovation that currently receives high attention from academics as well as from practitioners. The participation in the seminar meetings aims at adding significant versatility in relation to other relevant topics in the profile Marketing & Innovation.

In relation to the study program’s qualification profile, the seminar explicitly focuses on:
  • enhancing and deepening knowledge about relevant theories in the field, in particular modern theories at the current scientific research frontier,

  • enhancing skills - depending on the topic of the individual reports - in identifying and analyzing relevant literature, collecting and analyzing data, assessing and discussing theoretical problems and setting up and justifying relevant solutions to applied business problems,

  • qualifying the competence of students to (i) handle advanced scientific problems and reflect upon them in a modern, state-of-the-art paper (independent academic problem-solving and communication), (ii) present the report to an audience with similar qualifications, (iii) provide and receive constructive criticism from similarly qualified persons as well as organizing and managing a seminar meeting, and (iv) discuss different relevant topics in a seminar conference.

Content - Key areas:
Current science-based problem areas in the Marketing and Innovation field that currently receive high attention from academics as well as from practitioners
  • Identification and description of relevant research questions.
  • Identification and evaluation of relevant literature on a high academi level.
  • Writing up a literature review.
  • Application of advanced theories as a means to analyze a specific problem/a specific research question
  • Deriving potential conclusions to the problem or research question that reflect the scientific state-of-the-art
  • Academic discussion and constructive feedback
  • Presentation of results and the support for these results in a report on a high academic level  

Goals description (SOLO taxonomy):
The aspired level of learning is at the multi-structural and relation level and at the relational and abstract level. Hence, the student must be able to independently identify relevant literatures on a high academic level, put this together in an analysis and reflect over the findings before concluding on them. The student must be able to:

1. Identify and precisely formulate a relevant research question inside the given research topic
2. Develop an appropriate research design and structure as well as collect the relevant literature and data
3. Conduct a literature review including presentation of search strategy, important sources and main
   theoretical background.
4. Identify fruitful theories in relation to analyzing the research questions
5. Do a consistent and stringent analysis
6. Critically evaluate the results
7. Conclude on the results and put these into perspective as regards the scientific state-of-the-art.
8. Write a well-structured report presenting research questions, method, analysis, and results with
   reflections about results and proposed initiatives.
9. Act competently as an opponent. This includes to:
  • Write a short evaluation of a similar report on another topic which identifies major weaknesses and forms a good starting point for discussion of the weaknesses and
  • Chair a session within the seminar meetings in a constructive atmosphere
10. Participate in the seminar meetings with constructive criticism.

The literature, which shall develop further the literature from the first three quarters in the profile,in the profile is identified and chosen by the student and approved by the supervisor.

Time of classes:

Scheduled classes:
Kick-Off Meeting 2 hours (mandatory)
The literature review, some examples, 2 hours

Form of instruction:
Each student has to define a research question. The research question must be approved by a supervisor. Subsequently, the student independently has to develop a research design and collect and analyze relevant information and write up a report presenting the results of the analysis and suggestions based on these results. The process is supported by supervision. Some of the supervision may be given in the form of lectures and/or workshops depending on the number of students. The competences in giving and receiving constructive criticism to colleagues and at organizing and managing a meeting is supported by the participation in seminars (see below) of which each student has to chair one. Organization of a seminar meeting includes stating constructive criticism of the report of another student as well as establish a discussion of issues related to the report. The plan for supervision and dates for the seminars will be given before the course starts while the plan for the seminars will not be final until the seminars have been handed in.

Work Load
Workload: 187 hours
120 hours independent work on seminar report
4 hours Supervision (including preliminary research questions)
6 hours preparation of the opponent paper and chairing the seminar
10 hours preparation for seminar on own report
42 hours Participation in other seminars ("seminar conference") and reading reports
5 hours Participation in the Kick-Off Meeting and other meetings

Time of examination:
June with reexamination in January.

Registration for the course is automatically a registration for the ordinary examination in the course. Cancellation is not possible. If the student does not participate in the examination, the student will use an examination attempt.
The university may grant an exemption from the rules in case of exceptional circumstances.
Examination form at the re-exam can be changed.

Examination conditions:
Preliminary research questions (including considerations on relevant theories and methods) must be approved by the supervisor within the first two weeks of the quarter. (9324912).

Compulsory attendance to the seminar conference.
The teacher responsible for the seminar conference assesses whether this condition of participation in the conference is met. (9324922)

Form of examination for the certificate:
Participating in seminar meetings and written report

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
Seminar meetings and written report.
The evaluation is based on a combination of the contents of the report, the oral presentation, and the skills in organizing and chairing a seminar meeting. The evaluation is based on the extent to which the performance in total lives up to the objectives for the course.

A guiding grade is announced in connection with the seminar meeting in which the student presents his/her report. This grade may be subject to change depending on the student's skills in organizing and chairing a seminar meeting and active participation in the seminars. Compulsory attendance to all seminars. The supervisor chairing each meeting can grant exemption to this based on special circumstances for the student.

Duration: See the exam plan.
Submission of examination paper: The seminar must be written in English. Students must distribute their seminar report to the other participants in their seminar group.
Number of pages: The paper must not exceed 8.000 words. Please read the General requirements for written assignments, which you find here.
Examination aids: All examination aids are permitted.

If the student has handed in a report, defended this, acted as opponent, and actively attended the seminar conference, reexamination will require only a new seminar report. To be regarded as a report and therefore an examination attempt, the paper handed in must contain a meaningful text covering the issues in the intended learning outcomes.

MSc in Economics and Business Administration - Marketing and Innovation
2nd semester, 4. quarter, mandatory. Offered in: Esbjerg