Moot Court, Oral Part (talent) / Moot Court, Oral Part (talent)

The Academic Board of Law, Odense
Teaching activity id: TA8946851.
Teaching language: English.ECTS / weighting: 10 ECTS / 0.167 full-time equivalent.
Examination language: English.
Exam activity id: TA8946852.Approved: 03-10-17.
Period: Spring 2018.
Grading: Internal grading with co-examiner.
Assessment: 7-point scale.
Offered in: Odense.

Subject director:
Bugge Thorbjørn Daniel, Department of Law.

Students must have passed the written part (see examination conditions).

It is a prerequisite for participation that the student is not delayed in his or hers studies according to normal course progression - § 6, stk. 3 of Bekendtgørelse 597 af 2. Februar om talentinitiativer på de videregående uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område (talentbekendtgørelsen).

The 10 ECTS awarded for the present course will count as extra ECTS in accordance with § 6, stk. 1 of Bekendtgørelse 597 af 2. Februar om talentinitiativer på de videregående uddannelser på Uddannelses- og Forskningsministeriets område (talentbekendtgørelsen).

The purpose of the course is to train students to master the oral disciplines required for successful participation in moot court competitions.

Participants will achieve a high degree of knowledge of the specific legal problems covered by the competition and ability to identify underlying scientific and practical issues. Furthermore students will develop excellent legal analytical skills, the ability to identify and evaluate possible to legal problems as well as the skills necessary to present legal issues, discussions and solutions orally. The participants are expected develop the personal and professional competences necessary to take individual and collective responsibility in preparation of all aspects of the moot.

The connection with other courses depends on the subject of the moot. Methodologically participation in moot courts generally strengthens students’ ability to identify and analyze legal issues independently of the specific legal field.

The course is part of the Department of Law Talent Program. After having successully paticipated in the program the Student will obtain 10 ECTS in addition to the ECTS required for the program in which the student is enrolled – ba.jur., ha.jur. cand.jur., cand.merc.jur..

Content - Key areas:
Moot courts are fictional disputes, in which students act as counsel to the “parties” on the basis of a case issued by the organization behind the Moot. The work comprises preparation of oral argumentation for each party. Some moot court competitions have limited access to the oral rounds.

The content depends of the topic of the particular moot court competition. SDU teams have participated in moots on international trade law, international law, EU law and WTO law.

Travelling expenses and accommodation are as far as possible to be covered for by funding from sponsors and foundations. Participants are expected to actively engage in fundraising.

Training arrangements:
The team is coached by relevant university and external staff.

Goals description (SOLO taxonomy):
  • The participants are expected to be able to identify and analyze legal problems within the subject area of the moot.
  • The participants are expected to develop excellent advocacy skills enabling them to analyze complex legal problems and argue a legal position orally.

Literature is extensive but will depend upon the problem presented by the organizers. 

Time of classes:
Tuition starts approximately 1 February, and the course finishes during the spring term.

Depending on the competition, tuition may also start in the spring and the course then finishes in the autumn term.

Form of instruction:
Oral Phase:
Preparation for the oral rounds requires extensive training in oral argumentation, legal strategy and rhetoric (advocacy). Dates for the oral rounds are determined by the organizers. The final composition of the team and team roles is made by the team’s coaches.

Time of examination:
Exams take place after returning from the oral rounds
Exams are held according to a plan decided by the Chairman of the Study Board and the subject director for the present course. Re-examinations are held no later than august.

As needed the Chairman of the Study Board and the subject director for the present course agree on a special exam plan for moot court participants in exams in other subjects. All exams must be completed no later than august. Re-examination within two weeks of the ordinary exam.

Alternatively, if the competition follows other deadlines exams are held in accordance with a plan agreed between the Chairman of the Study Board and the subject director for the present course.

Alternatively, if the competition follows other timelines , the exam is held within two weeks of returning from the oral round, with re-examination within a further two weeks.

Examination conditions:
Students must have passed either
Moot Court written memoranda, ba,jur. 5 ECTS (course id 8945892),
Moot Court written memoranda, ba,jur. 10 ECTS (course id 8849752) or
Moot Court written memoranda, ba.jur. 10 ECTS (course id TA8849752)

Form of examination for the certificate:
Oral exam.

Supplemental information for the form of examination:
20 minutes oral exam without preparation within the relevant legal field of the moot.

5th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense
6th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense
5th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense
6th semester, elective subject. Offered in: Odense